Newsletter ☆ December 2022




少しずつですが、もとの生活へと戻って行ける兆しを感じられてきた1年だったように思います。 Veritasでも今年はずっとお休みしていたイベントを復活させることができました。来年はもっともっといろんな挑戦をしていきたいと考えています。





* Kindergarten: Students will review previous materials while learning words based on Christmas. This will lead into a fun Christmas/end-of-year activity.

* PAE: Students will continue with advanced phonics development with the goal of being able to read and write simple sentences.

* Elementary Sea: Students will be studying past tense and introducing their best memory from 2022. They will study the phonics letters Y, Z and ZZ.

* Elementary Sky: Students will be studying past tense and introducing their best memory from 2022. They will study the phonics letters AIR, URE and ER.

* Eiken: Students will grammar necessary for Eiken 4, especially past tense. They will also study Eiken Level 4 vocabulary.

* Junior High School: Students will learn how to make their sentences sound stronger or weaker.

* High School: Grammar (Irregular Verbs & Prepositions)





I am surprised that it is already December. This year went very fast! But I am looking forward to Christmas. What foods do you eat on Christmas Day? In Australia, my family usually has a BBQ on Christmas day. We also eat salad and make a fruit cake. It is very hot in Australia on Christmas, so we sometimes go swimming at the river, too. This year, I want a new camera for Christmas. I hope I get one!  Ailsa