January Newsletter 2024





 English Themes 

* Kindergarten: Sea animals.

* Sea: Students will be learning past tense and also continuing to practice combination sounds in phonics.

* Sky: Students will be learning how to say what they want to be in the future and continuing to practice phonics sounds and reading.

* Star: Studies in parsing story structure.

* Space: Learning about and practicing talking about their living arrangements.

*Supernova: New Year’s Resolution + Vocab Review.

☆January & February Schedule☆


New Year’s Resolutions

Eric: “To win the Kagoshima prefecture lifting competition in April and go to the Saga 2024 Kokutai.”
Yuyuan: “I wish to stay healthy, be kind to myself and others, and travel and read more!”
Satomi: “My New Year’s dream/resolution is to get a green thumb.”
Hiram: “I will perform more often and release more music
Ailsa:  “I like taking photos so my big goal this year is to have a photo exhibition (写真展). I hope my dreams come true!”
Oz: “To lose a lot of weight!”



Review Video for December


Review video for January